Most Convincing Paranormal Vlogs Online with GIFS (5 Pictures)

The Haunting of Michael Magee


This is by far my favorite youtube channel documenting about 6 years, and about 106 videos of paranormal experiences had by a young man living in the UK. It begins with him, very skeptically, trying to catch something on camera because a friend of his had told him she would never stay another night in his house because something was moving objects around in the night. From then on it gets more intense with each video. There are plenty of videos online that show moving objects, but the reason this vlog is so enjoyable is Michael’s level headed, and quite refreshing approach to showing the evidence he’s found. It’s a nice break from the cliche’ ….did you hear that!?……..aaaahhh! that really pisses me off when I see whole ghost shows that are pretty much based on that premise alone. As the videos progress so does the equipment that he uses running the gamut from EMF detectors, FLIR infrared, EVP recorders, Spiritboxes, to XBOX kinnect cameras. Yes I know they glitch a lot, so does he. If you are a skeptic or just straight out don’t believe in spirits or malicious entities then try watching this from the beginning and let me know what you think. As with all things posted on the internet it could be fake, if this is fake the man deseves a fucking Oscar and movie deals to boot. I’m a believer though. It’s important to start from the beginning because if you don’t then you’ll most likely be very confused about what he’s talking about. He’s still uploading videos on almost a weekly basis and they are still very interesting to watch, even though the really scarey stuff happens in the first two houses, he just has a good way of catching solid evidence.
TLDR: To my knowledge this is the best paranormal investigating vlog on youtube. Michael is very skeptical and has a levelheaded refreshing approach to collecting evidence. Start watching the videos from the beginning to know what’s going on.



I just found this channel a week ago so I haven’t been able to assess the validity of all of the videos. There are some very oviously fake ones, however the videos that caught my attention are of this guy in the picture filming the parking garage below his apartment. I’ve been watching ghost videos online for a long time and feel like I have a good grasp on what is faked and what isn’t. This seems real to me. It’s definitely worth checking out for yourself though. The obvious fake ones are the videos of the nicer house with tile floor btw.

NQGHOSTHUNTER/Kitchen activity


This is the guys kitchen from the parking garage above.



The shit that goes down in this guys kitchen is nuts. This isn’t light tapping and creaking floor boards, it’s violently thrown objects like plates and chairs. He goes to great lengths to prove that there aren’t any fishing lines or cgi being used also which is why this made the list. Pretty scarey shit.

The Haunting of Randy Marsh


All I can say is it must have been a pretty strong entity to leave that much ectoplasm

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